How are the tracks in Gasing ?

Hope that you have seen the facilities provided? More important, pictures showing the conditions on the actual tracks. This page will show the regular tracks and also - some scenes on other exciting trails. 


There are 5 hills, inferring the existences of many slopes. However available  within the choices, there are also decent length of tracks running on level ground,  with short spurts of incline. Most tracks are well shaded and distinctly clear. 


This scene is from part of the main track. 

Denai 1 runs alongside a brook that has water all year round.  

This is part of Denai 3, -  it incorporates river trekking. 

It is exciting feeling as you tip toe over the small rocks to move ahead, avoid getting your shoes wet.

Some slopes are long, you may even need one or 2 stops before reaching the top. 

There are slopes where nature has provided steps. 

Another option for the very fit, there is one slope which comes with a 400 feet straight climb at an angle over 45 degrees. The ropes are there to help. 

On steep slopes , the rope are handy and timely assistance.

Straying and skirting with that controversial Kuala Lumpur Boundary Fencing.

This is fairly long bridge, I teach my dog to walk the wire ropes

Most park users are not receptive in seeing dogs on the trail, even though they may be leashed. 

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