Pangkor Island

Tours around Islands

To see the island -There are 2 types of tour that one can make

[1] Round island bus tour

It is a good idea for the Mini Bus' driver cum guide to show you through this small community in one briefing. This will acquaint you with your holiday destination and acquaint you with in this closely knitted society.

Round island trip is 25 kilometers, point to point. It would cover most of the scenic sights and information spots. The trip would pass through 2 major bays, 3 towns, "Satay fish" factory [disguised souvenirs shop] and the "Great Wall" The Fort is off the regular route and may not be included, so it is good to confirm in advance!

Then after having a feel of the places, take a walk or hike to the destinations at your leisure

If you fancy mobility, get a bicycle or motorcycle!

Motor cycle [small] were available at RM30 per day while bicycle at RM10. The round island road was ideal for Mountain Bikers. Beware of the conditions of the rented bicycle and also some reckless mini bus drivers round the few sharp bends! 

At the south-western and north-eastern hilly stretches the country road were steep with some sharp corners.

[2] For the "Round Islands" sea tours

This large uninhabited Island is the Mentangor.

There were nothing worth highlighting on the island except the scenes of rocky coast and some tiny beaches



A close-up to show how close this Mentangor Island is to one of the cape of main Pangkor Island.

Next to it , the smaller Coral Island

This tiny island with shallow water and sandy beaches. It is  seeing its last days as a paradise for outdoor lovers. 


The same fate suffered by the adjacent Coral Bay - slowly suffocating its precious inhabitants, coral out into extinction. 

Operators of round island boat ride capitalize on the colorful sea water and scenic beauty of this tiny island to ply their trade. Imagine the effects caused by heavy traffic and the churning up fine sands in this swallow cove!

When the tide is low during the season of the spring tide, you could wade or walk across this the sandy beaches of this Coral island.


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