The fishing industry in Pangkor Island exports
a substantial amount of fresh produces as well as finished marine products.
Harvest from the sea is very much regulated
by the weather and this region has a distinct variation. Over the years,
fishermen learned to regulate their perishable catches and to sustain market prices.
Every one living on the island is involved in some chores. Being involved in
various stages of activities - packaging or transforming the fresh harvest into processed products.
In this way, fresh supply trickle to a steady market, excess from bumper catches
are preserved.

"Salted fishes" is one of such
preserved products.
Here in hilly Pangkor,
with no level land, drying yards
are spread over the sea along the shoreline. It is seen as protruding
jetties of urban Sungei Pinang townships
The Chinese community in Malaysia
consume a substantial volume. Here, producers in Pangkor are competing
with cheaper imports from neighboring countries! Despite of competition,
prices of this product had escalated.

With good prices and a way of
securing steady income, this scene of drying
fishes can now be witnessed everywhere. In almost every coastal
villages from Malaysia to Thailand! this is a picture of a distributor
premises. they are well established.

You could never guess what is this?
This is a strange photograph, misleading and
difficult to interpret, but it is the only one I have! It is suppose to
show a container full of jellyfishes. There must be tonnes
of them in the seas around the island . Part of the production
processes, is to have them soaked in these holding tanks. The final products are being exported
and a small portion will be destined to local restaurants.
Of course, we
cannot overlook the mentioning of fresh fishes export .
Catches are assembled at the jetty. The commodity, fishes get sorted out
by type and sizes, then dispatched by road for
By the way, sorting
here refers to the species of fishes that command a premium. The lower
grade fishes are channeled elsewhere for transformation
into animal feeds and by-products, fertilizers.

The huge fishing
fleets anchored in these waters demands servicing
facilities and also a market for marine based products.
This shipyard built
fair size boats for off shore fishermen.
These ocean
going boats were equipped with wireless transmitter, GPS
and sonar.
According to the
locals, together with the power train and electronic
equipments, all crafts are likely to cost over RM 600,000.
Within this small
mountainous island, there is no lack of wonders