The Wetland site is in very remote interior of Pahang State.
Located in the District of Bera. The basin lies east of the Main Range or the southern tail where the range ends
The upper sketch indicate that the site is in Central and southerly Peninsula. Now there are a couple of famed lakes - Chini and Bera, both has their unique charms. Tasek Bera is just inside Pahang border very close to Negri Sembilan.
Due to the vastness of area occupied by the Lake, it can be accessed from several directions. Approaches from the South is by the Segamat- Kuantan Road. Destination is Muadzam Shah. Turn west to go back to Bahau. Adequate road signs to guide you to the center. Those coming from the Central Plains and West coast have the option of using [1] the Bahau- Kuala Rompin Road or [2] travel to Temerloh and then turn south to Kerayong in the direction of Triang. From Kuala Lumpur, the route that is less deserted will be to use the Karak Highway to Temerloh. Then a 40 kilometers journey to Kerayong. Take the turning left - just outside and before going into town . Adequate road signs will guide you to the Lake! Traveling by car from Temerloh should be less than 1.5 hours. Local train stops at Triang, some 30 kilometers from the Lake.
Most activities of the Semelai are centered in the frontier town of Pos Iskandar, the south westerly edge. The area earmarked for tourist and State governments' resort area known as DARA, is at the opposite end - the north easterly edge! Tasek Bera appear widespread but tucks inside a remote corner with relatively few roads. So whether you are heading for the Tourist Center in Bera or any other landing points, you follow the same principal access roads to the lake area. Doing such a long haul in a vehicle through the wilderness, be prepared for some changes. Here are the scenes along the way. In this part of Pahang bordering the state of Negri Sembilan, the major roads spun themselves into a web to services the marshy lowlands. They invariably follow the flow of the rivers. The scene will be one of flat land, gradually but grudgingly giving way to water. This is typical of the Bera eco-system. However nearer to the lake, the access roads take a change in terrain and pass through Palm oil plantations usually on solid slopes. It is like going onto a broad bund bordering the wetlands. Views of the wetlands and interesting sights of the Malaysian Forest are momentarily replaced by monotonous palm oil trees. Once inside the Tasek Bera area, several ecosystems can be seen. Depending on the entry points into the lake [there are several] scenes welcoming you - the first "on the spot" feeling - all generate different expectations. |